12 Moves

The biggest dance project to have ever taken place in Worcestershire, touching the lives of thousands of people. From community classes to spectacular outdoor events, 12 Moves got Worcestershire dancing.

In May 2009, SDNA were appointed as Artistic Directors of 12 Moves to bring a fresh digital perspective to this ambitious dance project. We developed a new approach to a large scale participatory project, by bringing together an exciting creative team including composer Mira Calix (Warp Records), choreographer Jennifer Irons (ironINC Dance), code master Evan Raskob, dramaturg Stephen Wilson and costume designer Julia Kalache.

We took inspiration from the stories of prominent Victorian Collectors retold by Gaston Phillips – the keeper of the Worcester Museum and Gallery collection, and created a narrative to inspire participants from different ages and backgrounds as well as our artistic team. ‘The Story of Robert Fletcher’ – a fairytale that tied Worcestershire’s past and present, and unfolded the life of an obsessive Victorian Collector who found and imprisoned six magical creatures that held the secret of Worcestershire’s vitality. The six magical creatures were part of an interactive installation called ‘Creaturae Aquae’, creatures trapped in museums cabinets that visitors could release by using special cards to cut the creatures bonds. We instigated guerilla projections, flash mobs, interactive installations, shop window performances and a large scale outdoor event.
12 Moves culminated in a 40 minute digital son et lumiere, sited in the impressive arches of a viaduct.

12 Moves was commissioned by Dancefest and the funders. 12 Moves was part of the Dancing for the Games programme, part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. It is funded by Legacy Trust UK, Arts Council England West Midlands and Advantage West Midlands.