
An experimental collaborative project by SDNA, combining audio, video art, visual performance and live installation.

Cinetaxis has been presented as son et lumier, an intimate installation and theatrical performance. The inspiration for Cinetaxis is derived from research into phototaxis, (insect’s automatic reaction to light sources), and a desire to explore the same in human’s ‘attraction to light’, both real and metaphorical. This provides an aesthetic and narrative framework drawing links between insect anatomy and the human form, at once beautiful and grotesque; fascinating and unsettling. Cinetaxis is genuinely cross-disciplinary – the project aims to create a dialogue and close integration between multiple artistic and scientific disciplines. Cinetaxis has been developed and presented at the Labin Visual Theatre Festival in Croatia and in a disused warehouse in East London (2007), in collaboration with Dubmode, at the Signal Festival in Czech Republic (2008) and at the Shunt Vaults in London Bridge in 2009.

Cinetaxis was funded by the Arts Council Enga.

Cinetaxis @ Shunt

PERFORMERS Nina Fog / Natasha Mayran / Natasha Stanic
LIVE MUSIC Dubmode / Electric Lane / Takatsuna Mukai / Alessandro Olla
COSTUME DESIGN Cabinet of Curiosity
INSTALLATIONS Valentina Floris / Ben Foot / Zsolt Balogh / Barbara Gamper / Chris Singer