The Keeper’s Gate

– A mystical portal to the Enchanted Park, inviting visitors to step through the gateway, and discover the secrets and mysteries hidden behind Saltwell’s winding paths.

‘That wonder and awe you feel when you are a child, the excitement that only comes from knowing magic is in the air, and that joy that comes when you share what you’re seeing and feeling with a loved one. For a whole hour I was enchanted, I journeyed somewhere I have never been before, miles away from what we see now as normal back to a time when magic was only a breath away. By the end I wanted to never leave…Thank you for all the people involved with enchanted parks, I don’t know any of you but the event you have put together took me to a place I only knew from my imagination’  – Audience member.

In winter 2013 we designed and video mapped an entrance arch for the Enchanted Parks winter festival to introduce the mythical story of the ‘Keeper of Saltwell’s Secret’ to an audience of over 20,000 people. Enchanted Parks is an after dark annual event which sees Gateshead’s Saltwell Park transformed through visual arts, performance, installation and interactive works.