
A live audio-visual stage performance developed from meditations on paper and conceived and designed by SDNA in collaboration with Ticonzero.


‘With Folded I am exploring the sensations of being written upon (by sound, image, costume, space); being invented and – at the same time – being erased. The constant cycle of living and dying makes me only a momentary creature in a fragment of time – I aim to be in the pure of state of existing from moment to moment.’
-Nina Fog – performer

Divided into 8 parts, the maximum number of times paper can be folded, Folded was an exploration of paper’s physical properties and metaphysical potential. The visuals, music and costumes are all derived from paper. The performer, Nina Fog, plays a creature born from paper who constantly transforms herself, reinventing her corporeality.

Folded was the first chapter in our research investigating the interaction of various live media and the integration of different artistic languages, including audio-visual, graphics, sculpture, fashion, physical performance and theatrical process.
Folded was supported by Regione Autonoma Sardegna – Assesorato alla Cultura (Italy) and debuted at Signal Festival (Italy) and Mapping Festival (Switzerland) in 2010. Folded was also produced as an holographic projection piece in collaboration with Musion.


Collaborators on Folded include:

Co-production: SDNA (UK) + TiconZero (Italy)
Concept, direction and video design: Valentina Floris, Ben Foot
Music: Alessandro Olla
Performer: Nina Fog
Costumes: Cabinet of Curiosity
Associate Graphic Artists: Chris Singer and Nazir Tabuli