Hackney Central Public Art Strategy

Taking a fresh and innovative approach to public art throughout Hackney Central

In 2014, London Borough of Hackney commissioned SDNA to develop a Public Art Strategy for the borough, as part of the Hackney Central Regeneration Programme.
Hackney’s aspiration is was to promote Hackney Central as a destination, inviting visitors and residents to explore the wider local economy from the high street along the Narrow Way, through to the cultural centre.

SDNA developed a strategy to promote connectivity by establishing a series of visual links and to encourage residents and visitors to move between spaces and support sustainable growth; and create a palette of creative innovations that complement the ongoing regeneration of the borough by drawing attention to local heritage and stimulating community engagement.

The strategy proposes creative, cutting edge and eco-friendly technology to deliver contemporary public art that references local history and traditional craftsmanship a dynamic and visually innovative way, using creative lighting as the main medium.
Illuminating an area creates interest

You can download the HCPA Strategy here